FOX and Friends : FOXNEWSW : July 5, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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anything. >> she has not done anything. that was painful to watch. what you are seeing here is whether it's joe biden's gaffes or kamala harris' word salad it's the equivalent for the american people and especially democrat voters of either taking the fork and sticking in the top or or bottom receptor knowing you are going to be executed inny either way. why the so-called border czar has done nothing to secure our border. whether it's joe biden or kamala harris, they lose badly. what you saw of that word solid was really a replication or replay of the 90 minute debate biden just had there was no tangible or anything credible being said it was just a lot of words. >> ashley: a lot of words is right. cory mills, thank you so much for your time. with that, "fox & friends" starts right now have. a good day. ♪

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>> todd: 6:00 a.m. this is "fox & friends." vp kamala harris joining joe biden he it white house as a sign of unity as he shows americans is he still up for the fight in november. >> i'm not going anywhere. all right. [cheers] all right. i'll come back out when they let -- open the gate. >> kayleigh: wandering around the south lawn here this as more hollywood elite donors and even liberal media have a change of heart. the latest low blow. slapping the presidential seal on walker. >> the new champion is crowned at the nathan's famous hot dog eating contest. going to tell you who took home the mustard belt and show you how joey chestnut did competing against our troops over at fort bliss. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ america, america

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♪ oh, america ♪ love you, america. ♪ god shed grace on thee >> todd: we hope you and yours had a very special and safe fourth of july celebrating our nation's independence as you look live washington, d.c. on the left. it was live on thursday. and galveston, texas there on your right now new orleans on your right. beautiful fireworks to ring in a beautiful holiday that celebrates our amazing nation and all it means to be american. >> kayleigh: what a fun night. i know you were hosting our fox conch. >> joey: so much fun. couple hours on stage with aishah hasnie, lawrence and carley. >> kayleigh: i have a picture of my son sitting on the golf course and he was mesmerized.

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>> todd: he wasn't afraid? >> kayleigh: we thought he would be scared of the sound but he loved it. >> joey: all the headlines about to get to them in one second. good to pause even if just for a couple hours and be thankful to be in this country. we won the lottery that were born here. those that had the opportunity to come here and become a citizen as well. we need to keep it special. >> todd: well-said. >> kayleigh: big news. given the political context. you said it last night. biden and kamala were holding hands and hugging. kamala changed her plans. the vice president is often off vacationing because it is fourth of july after all. no, not last night. there she is in a show of strength. i was fascinated by something you said last night. it's fantastic point is this about show of unity or is it about kamala saying hey, i'm here, i'm ready to go? >> joey: i had a chance to sit down with aishah last night. she reports on capitol hill. she as inside as she gets at this point whether she likes it

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or not that's her job. she just came in very, very confident that there's really no path in replacing joe biden that doesn't involve kamala harris being the presidential nominee. and i get exactly where she is coming from, from the technical size of getting on the ballot to the money to the fact that there are a lot of people supported kamala harris that think she is a lot stronger than she has been allowed to be in this administration. i don't know if it's a contentious thing or trying to support joe biden as the president. but when he grabbed her hand and held her hand up, that kind of was a symbol, i think, to say hey we are in this together if it's not me it's her. >> todd: mentioned a symbol. a sign based upon what is coming out of their mouths. here is kamala harris giving joe energetic introduction but maybe a little freud dan slip. >> and we give thanks to our commander-in-chief, vice -- the president of the united states, the extraordinary president of the united states, joe biden.

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>> todd: did you catch that? >> kayleigh: oh yes. >> todd: started to call joe biden the vice president. at one point he was for eight years. they do that all the time. biden always calls her the president. it really does lend credence to these accusations of who the heck is running our country. and especially in this kind of a time when those concerns are amplified following the events, at least amplified for the majority of the nation after they saw the events of the debate. we have been talking about it for three and a half years. i think it's so important to highlight that these are the two people ultimately running our country and the american people need to decide do you want one, two, nun of these people for the next four years. >> kayleigh: let me make a point about two. kamala harris heir apparent. there is one hangup for her. mainstream reporters of politics point this out. nate silver saying she? a good position in biden points out. one scenario worsen this if

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there was a scandal that she was part of the cover-up of biden's health. i saw say on the air she validater. validated in the wake of her report that biden is healthy, with it. his acuity is there. so, if this comes out. if he exits to what degree did she know this and when did she know it is the question. >> joey: if every democrat that's been complicit in covering up his health is eliminated you will have mitt romney running the party. nobody left. not just kamala harris making slip-ups and we're at a spot now to where they come out and talk, and when biden comes out in front of the public. we're not paying attention to what he is saying. we are paying attention to how is he saying it. one thing he said that is important. we can show you right here. he looks like he is ready to go. >> this could not be done without the family support so thank you, thank you, thank you. we love you. and i really mean it from the bottom of my heart. thank you. thank you.

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>> keep up the fight. >> you got me, man. i'm not going anywhere. all right. [cheers] >> keep up the fight. >> all right. i'll come back out when they let -- open the gate. >> joey: ready to go take a nap; >> kayleigh: watch the full minute and a half speaking there. you see the stage behind him. teleprompters, the podium with the presidential seal. why wasn't he on the stage kind of meandering around the south lawn. one of two things either he got confused or this could be he decided i need to show people i'm not on the teleprompter. i need to show people there is not stage craft to this and decided to pick up the mic and go free wheel. he it didn't go well for him. talks about traffic congestion and all these mistakes amplified every single thing we have been covering about aquiewted the last four years. every moment is going to be amplified. >> todd: he reportedly said ho ho ho independence day. my kids listen to christmas music 365. but i'm pretty sure ho ho ho is

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not the salutation one gives on independence day. i have a bone to pick with the point that you referenced. not with you kayleigh obviously i love you. but i don't hold it against kamala harris and the white house for concealing joe biden's inability to do the job. i almost feel like that is what one does in a whitehouse. and i'm not the expert on this. i know you are. but i find that is really more of the media for not doing anything with this story for three and a half years when it was abundantly clear to everybody in the media. you know, you work for a company. and your ceo is a little bit messed up in the head. i don't know necessarily if everybody in the c suite tries to draw attention to that and bring the american people up to what is going on. that's the goal and job of the media to do their job and be inquisitive. have some intellectual curiosity. the mainstream media for three and a half years, i think, was

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complicit. i know this because i have been off for a week. this is one day on my vacation. i'm interrupting to be with you fine folks in america. i talk to a lot of liberals. they say oh my god, did you see that debate? i'm shocked with how bad joe biden looked. i'm like, are you serious because on my air, on fox and on fox business, i have been saying for three and a half years hey, this guy is really bad. and is he going to get housed in this debate. it's really on the left for not being inquisitive. for not seeking out that knowledge and it's on the mainstream media for not giving him that information. >> kayleigh: it's on the media. but here's the one place. jacqui heinrich reported kamala harris was on the call between biden and netanyahu. she has been on many of these calls. if she observe -- maybe she didn't. if she observed the freeze-ups the forgetting of names. the basic facts when you are on the phone with world leaders, we have a 25th amendment for a reason. the vice president has a role in that for a reason.

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at some point political optics go out the window on behalf of national security. >> joe: i think a lot of this is coming to fruition not because the liberal media as you say because we are mainstream, at least i hope we are. the liberal media they see they are scared. they haven't come to some enlightenment moment where like it's hey it's better for the country if we have president that doesn't need five naps a day. donald trump hasn't lost a single step. as a matter of fact, he has only gotten more on message. he has gotten in my opinion wiser on the campaign trail. and he has raced almost 100 million more dollars than the current president in the last quarter and on that point there is a class of people that do help make decisions whether we like it or not and those are huge donors i want to point out reed hastings the netflix co-founder. staunch liberal and founder needs to say biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous democratic leader to beat trump and keep a safe and prosperous.

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>> ouch. >> kayleigh: go on with it abigail disney. the grand daughter of the co-founder roy disney i intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they lee place biden at the top of the ticket. we have an excellent vice president. if democrats would tolerate any of her perceived shortcomings even one tenth as much as they have tolerated bidens and let's not kid ourselves where race and gender figure in that inequality. and if democrats can find a way to stop quibbling and rallying around her, we can win this election by a lot. we can pars a lot of the points she made. let's stay on the point these are people writing checks with a lot of zeros and they both said not anymore. >> todd: that begs the question of how much is money essential to politics? i would argue if joe biden no longer has the donor support, i don't care how much joe biden wants to stay in the race, and how much jill biden -- excuse

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me, dr. jill biden wants to remain first lady, it's not going to matter if the moneyed interests are out either supporting someone else or not supporting joe biden anymore. >> kayleigh: spot on. i thought to myself what matters most. congressional leadership coming out against joe biden is it the governors? you are exactly right. donors. abigail disney has given $400,000 to democrats just this cycle. we're not even close to november. so, you lose he or she support, you lose netflix co-founder who by the way is a big obama donor. i wondered if that factored in at all. damon loan dale of hollywood show runner he says virtually the same thing, he has been asleep at the wheel. it's time to wake the bleep up. when it country is not behaving how we want them to. we apply harsh economic sanctions. it's a give and take short-term hurt for long term healing. when they text you asking for cash. text back you are not giving them a penny and won't change

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your mind until there is change at the top of the ticket. and he goes on. >> yeah. he basically says, you know, joe has been a good president but time for him to move. here is why this is important. for the campaign itself. which is the war chest sitting on. can't be severed from joe and kamala. that's the money they use to go get people registered to knock on doors, to hire campaign staff. the super pacs can do commercials and other things to get the candidates to and from events. that's important money. and when they pick gavin newsom or gretchen whitmer, that's money they are not guaranteed to be able to use if kamala harris isn't on the ticket. in what world do you keep her as vice president, bring someone else in over her? that doesn't happen. i point that out because i do believe as was referenced in one of those, i think these check writers and the establishment or at least behind the scenes democrats they believe this kamala harris and that's who they want. i believe that. >> todd: i would point out with the damon lindell hough. he created the show lost.

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if anybody understands when somebody is lost it is damon lindell love. he understands in the ending he is going to end poorly final episode of lost was widely criticized. he may be looking at this let's avoid a repeat horrible ending in the joe biden presidency. let's get him off the stage now. i just don't understand and maybe this goes back to what the white house has been telling us with joe biden. maybe kamala harris in all these meetings is so much better than when the cameras are rolling. maybe she is a different person. that's what they told us about biden it turned out not to be true. maybe we are in the wrong, guys. maybe we're not seeing the great kamala harris that everybody else sees because i can tell you i know people very, very staunch democrat supporters in california who say he really didn't do a lot there exseptember for, you know, lock up people who she now needs the votes from. what has she done as vice president besides acquire at love titles and then do nothing

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with them. i understand vice presidency is a thankless office. i understand that. but, if you are gunning for the number one office in the land, which as tense is iably she has been since she entered the political game. maybe, i don't know, put up veneer of hey, i'm trying. dick cheney wasn't going to be president, right? >> kayleigh: right. >> todd: at least he tried to do stuff. >> kayleigh: to your point the power of the media. the media comes around her. let's say she does become the nominee. glossy covers. beautiful interviews that are essentially scripted, hollywood comes around her. that's a powerful thing. also, the power of the media now. this is the economist's cover. this is a well-respected british magazine. this was the headline yesterday on july 4th of all days. no way to run a country. you know, this is a widely read paper. and the quote that stuck out to me of their piece, you cannot run a super power by auto queue. you cannot put an international crisis on hold because the president is having a bad night. someone who cannot finish a

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sentence about medicare be trusted with the nuclear code? but, look, that's the media today. if they settle on biden as the nominee, expect a heel turn from the media to protect him once again. if they kamala. expect a heel turn. they support the nominee. get the leaks. today finally learning what is happening in the west wing. we won't learn it should biden remain the nominee. >> joey: absolutely not. >> todd: what does that feel like falling on the sword look like after they spent the last week saying he is the worst human ever in the history of the political game. we must avoid him at all cost. that's going to be fascinating to watch. >> kayleigh: we will be back to cheap fakes. >> todd: back to headlines now and horrible story right here. a fox news alert. three people dead after a suspected drunk driver plows into nine people at a packed 40 of july party in new york city. a young mom and her two kids are reportedly among the victims. police say a gray pickup ran through a stop sign over the sidewalk and into a park. officials say after the

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incident, good samaritans actually jumped in to restrain the driver until nypd arrived. horrible story there. to another alert. u.k. prime minister rishi sunak resigning after conceding defeat in yesterday's elections. the left leaning labor party sweeping into power after its landslide victory over the conservative party. here is sunak before he left 10 downing street. >> you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change. i have heard your anger, your disappointment, and i take responsibility for this loss. i will step down as party leader, not immediately but once the formal arrangements for selecting my successor are in place. >> todd: larrick party care stormer now preparing to take over four people encountering a

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shark off the islands of south padre, texas. wildlife department confirming two people bitten one severely hurt and flown to the hospital. two other people encountered that shark but not seriously hurt. that video was taken of that 6-foot shark that by standers say is responsible. texas officials deploying drone helicopters and boats to help locate that shark. i don't know about you guys, that's way too close to the shore for me. >> kayleigh: too close, no thank you. >> todd: practically enjoying a barbecue in on the beach. >> joe: i don't get in the water. >> todd: joey chestnut was barred from the event. patrick from chicago is the new champ after scarfing down 58 hot dogs in just 10 minutes. meantime over in texas, joey chestnut going troops fort bliss kept the winning streak alive

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devouring 57 hot dogs in just five minutes. >> ladies and gentlemen, these fort bliss hot dog eating champion joey john chestnut. >> todd: soldiers ate a total of 49 hot dogs combined. necessary nut raising $100,000 for military families. that's what it was all about. obviously controversy. we made light about it. good to see that the money was raised for some people who gave all or are giving all for our nation. >> kayleigh: yes, absolutely. what great event for him to put on. he told me he enjoys it. he fasts before hand and enjoys the sick feeling after and bloated feeling. i'm told he is very fit. he is an athlete. they called them athletes yesterday. hot dog eating athlete. yo joey i went to say as a marine he went to army base to participate in a gluttony. i don't know what that says. marine corps bet it would have been shots of jamison contest. probably better off with the hot

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dogs. >> kayleigh: wonderful. we will check in quickly with the mclemores smoking barbecue on fox square. what are you up to, guys? >> all right. it is going to be so much fun this morning. thank you kayleigh. we have got so much food that we're doing. we have actually got sweet and spicy swings sending in to joey. we have treanding recipe that everybody is talking about. pickle sand witches. we are sending that in to todd. cailee, it is all about you this morning. we have made nine different mac and cheese we call it the mac mainian cheese john what are they? we got your traditional with your spicy hot nacho cheat-its. pulled pork, banana pepper. can you say tuscan. buffalo chicken. mac and cheese.

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burger style mac and cheese. mclemore boys are known for smoked mcand cheese. we bring the premium flavors. we try to do it un. kayleigh this is for you. >> kayleigh: i am so honored that messiah favorite food i did not eat breakfast. i cannot wait. thank you, guys. >> we will send some in to you. and serving up to all the vips some of our favorite barbecues mclemore boys. we are serving one america's favorite premium pickle. >> they are loving these by the way. serving them up to everybody out there. >> todd: let's be clear mcenany and cheese sounds better than piro pickles. >> i agree with you. [ laughter ] >> joey: if that food doesn't get here quick i'm heading out to it. president biden heads to wisconsin for campaign clean-up and democrat senator tammy baldwin won't appear alongside him as she faces her own

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re-election. >> todd: g.o.p. challenger reacting to a democratic party in disarray when we come back. ♪ if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? vyvgart hytrulo can improve daily abilities and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plan that's personalized to you. do not use vyvgart hytrulo

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>> back with a fox weather alert. hurricane beryl set to make

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landfall in yucatan peninsula. tourists unable to leave vacation hot spots bike cancun are helping for the best. the storm now a category 2, leaving the cayman islands in jamaica in shambles. and at least nine people have been killed so far. south texas will soon be bracing for the storm's impact with 7 million people now in the forecast cone. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for fox weather forecast. adam? >> adam: kayleigh, yeah, still a powerful storm as we watch this inch its way closer and closer to hot tourist spots we were talking about. cancun down to that loom. couple hours ago cat 3 now cat 2. winds at 110 miles mile-per-hour. expecting this land floor out in the gulf of mexico and regather itself a little bit and ultimately texas is in the path.

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as it runs across the peninsula. weakens a little bit. winds down to 60 miles per hour. you start to see it strengthen once again and by the time we get to monday morning, 85 mile-per-hour winds, that's enough to be a category 1 hurricane. and you are really approaching either portions of north texas or getting up along the coast of texas. obviously, once you hit land again, it would start to slow down. but there will be impacts of this. probably some sturgeon yes the winds and very heavy rain up across the coast. one we are tracking all the way across the week and monday morning when we will be talking about land follow. those. >> todd: president biden heading to wisconsin today after last week's disastrous debate performance, much less to celebrated than last time he was there. >> hello, wisconsin! i'm proud to announce five major actions to continue to relieve student debt for more than 30 million americans. last night i reported on the state of the union.

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it is strong. it is strong. [cheers] >> strong because of you. we have created 12 million new jobs. a half million jobs just last month. >> todd: here to react the republican trying to unseat democrat senator tammy baldwin, wisconsin g.o.p. candidate eric hoved. some are calling this stop in wisconsin the most pivotal campaign stop of joe biden's career. if his inpersonal polls -- internal polls show him losing wisconsin after this all important visit and democrats know they need to win wisconsin in order to maintain the white house, does joe biden drop out then and there? >> first of all, i hone everyone ha wonderful fourth of july celebrating our great country and our independence yesterday look, wisconsin is the center point. joe biden has been in this state more than any state in the country. he knows that his re-election will come through wisconsin, whoever wins wisconsin will

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control the presidency. and control, if i'm successful not just two years but four or six years. the democrats are putting a huge investment of time and energy. as it pertains to president biden, look, you will not change what happened on that night of the debate for those who watch fox they have seen the issues with joe biden coming. but for those that don't, you know watch mainstream media, you know, they have been told is he sharp as a tack. everything is fine with him and obviously people could see with their own is a and hear with their own ears how bad a position this is. this is serious, let's be honest. first reaction is sadness, it's sad for him and our country. he is the president of the united states. that is the most important position in the world, decisions need to be made very quickly.

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and he's in charge of the nuclear code. so having a person with his diminished capabilities is not good for this country. so, yes. he is coming to wisconsin. he is trying to resurrect his presidency. but i think the die has already been cast on that one in my opinion. >> todd: as for your race. democratic opponent. will not be joining joe biden today. tammy baldwin sitting this one out. she has also skipped biden visits in the past. so, based upon your involvement in your own campaign and looking at the campaign and being in this battle with her, is she trying to avoid joe biden? >> absolutely. now, what is so amazing, she has voted with joe biden 95.5% of the time. for those viewers that don't know tammy baldwin, she is probably one of the most progressive left politicians. she comes back to the state, she is like a cicada. she floats back here out of washington, d.c. and new york

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where she lives with her partner and comes back right before election time two weeks ago she said he is the most accomplished president in jerptions. after that debated she is trying to avoid him at all costs. she won't answer the press' questions whether she continues to support him. so, you know, on one hand she thinks he is the best. she has voted with him. she is the absolute rubber stamp for whatever the progressive left wants. now she is going the other way and trying to avoid him at all costs. so, very interesting. >> todd: before we let did you go 30 seconds on final answer. current polling shows you down about 5 points to tammy baldwin. does joe biden, being at the top of the ticket, help you close that gap? >> yes. look, there's a lot of polls. most polls have me about 2 points down.

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but, yeah. with joe biden being at the top of the ticket, and continuing to press the arguments against her, i think he will be very successful. look, i have had more negative advertising put on me than i think any republican senate candidate. that tells you how worried they are. so, we are over the target. we are running hard. and pointing out her record of failure on inflation on opening the border. and a whole host of different issues. >> todd: baldwin has told the news in your state that she does continue to support the president but there's a long way to go between now and november 5th. eric hovde, thank you so much for being here appreciate your time this morning happy fourth of july. >> thank you so much. have a wonderful day. >> todd: the media scathing assessment of the biden presidency. and even hollywood liberals are turning their back on him. we are talking to a former democrat about the 180 coming up. ♪ you're out of touch ♪ i'm out of time

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>> joey: welcome back and turning to your headlines israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu telling president biden yesterday he set a team to help finalize a potential cease-fire deal with hamas. the deal would also include the release of hostages. netanyahu is expected to address congress later this month. meanwhile, here at home, a mob of anti-israel protesters causing chaos in the streets of new york city. protesters were seen lighting flares and chanting burn it down. at least one protester was arrested. check out this wild, close call. deputies in louisiana dodging a large waterspout that formed over lake pontchartrain. the footage shows them speeding along with a waterspout in the background. thankfully no one was hurt. even though there were a it on the boaters out on the water celebrating independence day that cajun navy don't worry

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about it. actor kirk cameron is the latest celebrity to flee california. he is moving to tennessee to seek out more safety and security. the actor told "the washington examiner," quote:'s it's pretty clear that california has been moving in a particular direction for a long time. other celebrities who packed up and left hollywood include mark wall beg, sylvester stallone my good friend dean cain. those are your headlines, kayleigh, i will send it over to you. >> kayleigh: thanks, joey. the media finally realize be maybe biden isn't up to the task to the second term they have been pushing for. you think in the economists debuting this brutal magazine cover featuring their piece titled no way to run a country. and "the washington post" editorial board even penned an op-ed titled what if biden spoke these words? where they wrote this: that their own mock withdrawal speech. they literally wrote a withdraw speech for the president. will piers led an effort for biden to one in 2016.

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later advised bernie sanders that has since left for the republican party. he joins us now. will, i was readings a piece this morning from abc and they described you as a biden super fan. how do you go from biden super fan to where you are now saying he needs to step aside? when was the moment? >> first off. thank you very much for having me on, kayleigh. the moment for me that has been coming for a while. over the few years we have seen biden's i hate to say it but biden's health has deteriorated over the years. said what the democratic party has been doing is standing aside and saying no, this is going to be the leader. if you look at what the democratic party has been doing over the primary, instead of looking at the country, they have been worried about themselves. this could have been addressed in a primary. instead they blocked democratic members from voting on who their nominee was going to be. now it's coming back to bite them in the butt. >> kayleigh: will, i read these leaks coming out of the white

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house. there is a torrent of them. it's hard to keep up. biden needs to go to bed earlier. not have events after 8:00 p.m. putin has events after 8:00 p.m. when i read new york magazine that he is forgetting the names of long time friends. these are all the allegations. i read this one line from the economists. i can't get out of my mind. should someone who cannot finish a sentence about medicare have access to the nuclear codes? what do you think? >> that's my biggest worry overall. everything that's coming out when the president is saying oh no he can't do 8:00 p.m. events. this someone time thing at the debates as well. all these excuses coming out of the white house, i'm sorry, financial security we do not have time for mistakes. you just hit the nail on the head when you said what is going on with putin as well. we need a leader ready to execute from day one. i hate to say it right now biden is not up for the task. >> kayleigh: the donors leaving the party pausing their donations, hollywood producer damond lindell.

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abigail disney. these are big names. biden is doubling down. he said that over and over and over. but, do you think ---you know, long time democrat. worked for bernie sanders. you know the party. do you think there is a that you have that breaks the camel's back? is it the donors or do you think he stays? >> i think it's the donors but i also think members of congress. myself i had to serve for a while as dnc finance committee member. and the thing is that donors, they do run the party for the most part. you know, if you do not have the money to get in the swing states, then it's not going to be very effective. the donors more and more and more coming out and that's going to be a major ding. but, now that you have two members already coming out publicly saying that he has to step aside, i imagine hearing whispers as far as many a dozen a few as well who are in the same area as well. that's all of this is going to have to come up and it's going to be very important as well. >> kayleigh: so that's interesting. so you are dnc -- you were a dnc finance director. so, imagine. >> finance committee member. >> kayleigh: finance committee member. imagine, you're working to fund

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the party, down ballot races. and then you have this come out. let's read his quote: i have been asleep at the wheel. hollywood producer. asleep at the wheel and it's time to wake the f up. let's go with the bullpen please. let's go with relief. abigail disney i intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace biden at the top of the ticket. she gave $400,000 to democrats this cycle. would you be in panic mode if you still had your former job? >> absolutely. i would be in panic mode. this is the thing now likes a we are going into q 3. this is the make or break when it comes to fund raising for political fund raising. and now that these -- you have these donors that are leaving. where is this money coming from? if you are democratic staff or democratic committee overall how are you going to fund not only the top of the race but down ticket races? it's very disastrous thing and right now the democratic party, instead of stepping up and saying hey what's good for the country and the party, looking to say oh no, let's just have biden serving. it's a very ridiculous moment

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right now. >> kayleigh: you know, just 10 seconds here jonathan martin at politico is saying house democrats are very upset with democrat governors who have different motives. they are thinking about running for president themselves. these democrats are thinking about their races. do you think that we see more democrats on the hill come out and call for biden to step aside? >> absolutely. yeah. like i said earlier. as many as a dozen or so who are still waiting in the wings. when you have one or two coming out. that's kind of continuing the -- that's the straw that broke the camel's back. i think as more and more droments come out. more house members coming out and saying you have to do that right now. >> kayleigh: will piers, fascinating. thank you very much for the insight. >> thank you very much. kayleigh. >> kayleigh: exclusive mega morning deals for "fox & friends" viewers. like a neck fan for 70% off and surf's up. check out how mark zuckerberg celebrated july 4th. wow, is he doing pretty well there. ♪ born in the u.s.a.

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♪ born in the u.s.a. ♪ ♪

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patriotic newborns. look at that mark zuckerberg,

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that's weird. celebrating america's birthday in a tux while out on the water. chanley painter here with all the details. >> todd, i expected you to be out surfing, holding the american flag. we will start there with that viral video making waves online. that's met can a zoe mark zuckerberg got skills. celebrating independence day in hawaii tuxedo. tall boy in the other all while bruce springsteen born in the u.s.a. plays in the background. fourth riches person in the world now earning the nickname the zuck. he captioned the video post with happy birthday, america. now, from cool to cute, a hospital in missouri welcomed 8 yankee doodle darlings just in time for the fourth of july. look at these little fire crackers all snuggled up in red, white and blue buntings made by hospital volunteers. last but not least a man in minnesota is responsible for this patriotic piece.

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the art of mowing now growing in popularity each design three to four hours and has my boast in the best lawn competition. back to you. >> kayleigh: that's impressive. >> todd: i would love to do that with the american flag i don't want to be disrespectful to old glory hop on the surf board and immediately off the surf board. >> i will be watching. >> todd: meantime all ready for summer savings, right? >> kayleigh: yes, indeed. mega morning deals offerings "fox & friends" viewers bargains on surgeon style friends and gear. >> joey: megan meany joins us now. this stuff is durable. because i knocked it off the table. >> did you mess up my table. >> joey: didn't hurt a thing. whatever this thing is i want one. >> meghan: all right, we will let this one go. happy holiday. fun products for summer starting with the golfer in your life.

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cutter and golf makes golf shirts and pullovers with a half zip. made with dry tech fabric out there sweating it will wick it away for you. they have generous sizing a little stretch to them. and they are starting at $22 today. 84% off. these are sold in the some of the most high end pro-shops around the country that sawsm deal. >> todd: for thick sweaty people like me. >> meghan: like all of its rise now. it's pretty steamy out here. >> these are ocean ott watches. attention to deal at a is what makes them so popular. department stores. hollywood a. listers wear these. 64 fun summer colors you can choose from. and they are $59 today which is also great savings of 91% offer. can you see we have got reds and blues and real craftsmanship here. and they are waterproof. so, if you are at the beach or jumping in the pool you don't have to i can that them off.

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>> joey: tell you what time it is. >> i think i have two minutes left. right? okay. then we are moving on to some power banks. some ear buds, and speakers. the ones you knocked over. they are looking okay. so, if you don't have an outlet this summer because you are hiking or at the beach. no problem. these are solar powered. >> joey: oh, wow. >> meghan: leave them in the sun and charge your phone right on top of the power bank. these speakers are bluetooth. hook them up to your phone. actually also a built-in flashlight to the power bank. so if you are at the beach. you got your ear buds, no worries about having an outlet. right? >> joey: i like the real antenna. >> there is fm radio in there as well. those start at $18 and are 84% off. now we all could use one of these today. >> this is a neck fan. so go ahead. demonstrate it. put it right over. use this one because it's on. there is no blade in this so ladies don't have to worry about catching your hair. let's say you are, i don't know, mowing the lawn or exercising

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outside or maybe your kid just needs to cool down after a day at camp. the neck fans are awesome. it's legit air flow. >> todd: if you are sweaty and thick perfect. i want this whole table. >> meghan: it's the sweaty and thick show. these are $39. 70% off. this is for all your underwater camera needs this summer like a go pro, attach it to your phone and attach to to bicycle, handle bars, goes under water. take pictures and video. comes with at least 60 accessories. free app. when you buy it. see what the app. is only $36, 74% off. >> joey: i'm getting one of those. >> got a little remote control. who plays pickleball? >> todd: none of us. >> steve doocy does. >> meghan: everyone seems to play pickleball. these are made of fiberglass. two brothers and their best buddy came up with these. these are sold in at least 40 shops around the country. fiberglass makes them long last,

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durebleg and a little bit lighter. i like the cool colorful design also goes with summer vibe, right? $25, 50% off. >> todd: where you can get them all. >> meghan: knock things over that's a wrap. >> todd: "fox & friends" hour ahead don't miss country star chris jans son performing all morning long. >> kayleigh: well done. ♪ ♪ i turn on fox news and cnn but it's the same dang thing. >> chris janson "fox & friends" swatch his must see performance today >> the all-american summer concert series is presented by lowe's. lowe's knows home improvement. ♪ tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪)

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